Mesdames, Messieurs, bon soir.

Me and the comsic backround microwave radiation I’m Okuno Zankoku, and I’m a linguist, a computer scientist, a programmer, a musician, a physicist and a philosopher.

If that sounds impressive, it shouldn’t. I only know enough to know that I know nothing, and there’s so much left to be discovered. That said, I still have thoughts and opinions, of which many are gleaned from others, and I get tired of keeping them all for myself. The time has come for me to say “Here is my website,” and actually have it be there. Well, you’ve found it.

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On Formal Design - 2014-09-17

Here's a quick metaphor mapping language design and structural engineering. As a bonus, I've got a couple consequences.

OpenGL in Haskell - 2014-08-06

In university, I did some graphics programming in C/C++. I've been wanting to do some more, but have moved to Haskell, where the availability of tutorials is slim. Compounding that is the fact that I never truly understood OpenGL in the first place, I've been largely out in the cold lately. In response, I've decided to learn to use Haskell for OpenGL programming by porting tutorials.

On Bootstrap - 2014-07-22

The strengths and weaknesses of Bootstrap are examined. In many ways, Bootstrap is an innovative and powerful collection of presentational tools. In everyday use however, it can be a hindrance to building sites for long-term use and maintenance by inducing coupling between semantics and presentation, between developers and designers, and between your service and Bootstrap.